مقالے کی قسم

This paper attempts to review the potential applications of Aluminum-matrix composites in Satellite systems. Material selection is a very crucial part of space design due to extreme and diverse requirements of the outer space. There is always a requirement of lightweight materials in space launch. Aluminum Matrix Composites (AMCs) are potential candidates for such demanding applications and with the proper reinforcement selection, an effective state of the art satellite component can be developed. Diverse properties such as high stiffness, low Co-efficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE), high specific strength and low outgassing make these materials an attractive choice in various systems of Satellite. This review has focused on different combinations of AMCs being employed for the respective components of Satellite.

Zaigham Saeed Toor. (2017) Applications of Aluminum-Matrix Composites in Satellite: A Review, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 7, Issue 1.
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