مقالے کی قسم

Hadith is the second primary source of Shariah and Islam. In literally it means‘‘to talk” something. In terminological it means “saying, action and deeds, and silent approval by the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W of the action or practice of his companion”. From the age of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W to the third century many people compiled Ahadith in various forms. One of them is Al Jami,a- Al-Sahih which is written by Imam Muhammad Bin Ismail Al Bukhari R.A. It is also the first book in the chain of six most authentic books of Ahadith, which are known as Siha-e-Sittah (سته صحاح. (It contains various aspects of Islam such as: beliefs, organs of Islam, social aspects, economical aspects, history and life of prophets. It has its own significance because of its methodology. With the narration of Ahadith the compiler narrates views of different scholars related the topic and sometime narrates his own views. Spiritually it is beneficial for reader. Imam Bukhari R.A describes a term “Baad-Al-Naas”)الناس بعد )at twenty seven places in different chapters of his book. The objective of this research is to explain the views of Imam Bukhari about “Baad-Al Naas”)الناس بعد )mentioned in the chapter of zakat. This term is described three times in the above mentioned chapter.

Asia Rasheed , Umair. (2020) Sharaah “Baez Alnaas” Al Mazkoor Fi Al Jameeh Al Saheeh Lil Bukhari Motaaleh Tehqeeqiyah, Baab Al Zakawat, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1.
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