مقالے کی قسم

Born to a Muslim family in Kufa, Abu Hanifah (RH) is known to have travelled to the Hejaz region of Arabia in his youth, where he studied under the most renowned teachers of Makkah and Medina . Due to his wisdom and knowledge, he is also considered a renowned Islamic scholar. A question arises that why he has a distinguished name in Islamic history. Firstly, he travelled a lot for the sake of knowledge. He started to travel since 94 A.H but from 104 A.H , he had a consistent travelling to quench his thirst for knowledge. Secondly , he did hi level best to spread this knowledge to others .Even he had devoted his complete life for the sake of it.Amongst Imam Abu Hanifah's teachers was Hammad ibn Sulayman, he joined his circle at the age of 22, having already become a well-known debater and studied with this great teacher until the latter's death, where upon he took over his ‘’majlis’’ (circle) at the age of forty.Many well-known scholars admire and praise Imam Abu Hanifah’s services like Imam as-Shafi (RH) is recorded to have stated: "All men of fiqh are Abu Hanifah's children," "...I would not have acquired anything of knowledge had it not been for my teacher”

Muhammad Akram & Dr. Abdul Aleem. (2019) Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifa Kay Ilami Asfar, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Isuue 1.
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