مقالے کی قسم

Spending in the cause of Allh is one of the most important ways for the welfare of society and all the divine books agreed about its vital role in the betterment of human lives. But it is obvious from Quraan that not everyone has capacity for it but only those who are saved from stinginess: And whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul - it is those who will be the successful. (Al-Hashr: 09) It is also very relevant question in this regard that what should be spent? And how and where should be spent? hence only that type of spending which is according to the need of time is worthy to be called as best use of it, as Prophet (Peace be upon Him) pointed out to the charity of water when Saad ibn e ubadah asked him about the best mean of charity after the death of his mother and people were in urgent need of water. So it is clear that the one who intended to charity must have the actual and original idea about the demand of those who are in crises and then he should decide to arrange the appropriate means in this regard. We found crystal clear indications in the seerat ur rasool (Peace be upon Him) about the appropriate spending in accordance with the demands of current time like the encouraging the release of slaves especially in the Makkah and the treaty of brotherhood among the immigrants and the ansaar and promoting the building of prophetic mosque and preparing the army for battles and promising the abode in paradise in response. This article deals with role of charity in welfare of current society by the proper means and ways, some of the important points are as follows: 1. Introduction. 2. Importance of Infaq in Quraan and Sunnah. 3. Examples of charity in accordance with the demands of society in light of seerah. 4. Charity endowments and its role in the well-being of society in the light of fiqh us seerah. 5. The needs of contemporary society and the role of Charity endowments. 6. Pre-protection from negativity, because prevention is better than cure. 7. Recommendations or proposals for proper expenditure.

Asif Raza. (2019) Dwr-ul-Infaq Fi Sabeel Allah Fi Rifahiyat Al-Majtama Al-Muaseer Fi Zwo Fiqh-ul-Seerah, AL-ILM Journal, Volume 3, Isuue 1.
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