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This paper aims to analyze historical evolution, and perspective vis-à-vis prospects of tourism development in Pakistan, especially in the wake of ongoing CPEC projects. It is a well-known fact that development of tourism over the years has been greatly influenced by the overall human development, therefore industrial revolution led to the development of economic corridors, integration and connectivity among societies. Consequently, industrial society initiated the process of globalization and activities of mass tourism. However, owing to rapid technological advancements postmodern society started looking for personalized and diverse tourism products. Travel and tourism is one of the leading industries that is contributing to the World economy in a big way (direct, indirect and induced). It has phenomenal economic impact including transportation, entertainment, accommodation and other related aspects. However, despite having an abundance of cultural resources, Pakistan ranks abysmally low on travel and tourism competitiveness index developed by the World economic forum. Besides hosting six UNESCO World heritage sites and host of other attractions, Pakistan is only harvesting 2.7 % from the tourism industry to its GDP as compared to its 10% contribution to World GDP. Thus, huge potential awaits tapping with commitment and ingenuity.

Arif Hussain, Ghazal Khawaja Hummayun Akhtar. (2021) FACTORING IN CPEC’s ROLE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN PAKISTAN, Pakistan Heart Journal, Volume-54, Issue 3.
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