I hehlorvies I l)DVP I. an otganophosphonis insecticide. was tested tin -Antal otosic ,cud teratogoniv effects 'In chick. Different aqueous concentrations I 11. DidiklIA ( . 25. 12.5. 25.0 and 50.0 egg) were injected. in yolk sac or cgg. hetiire incubation. louhryii revoveries were made at day 3. 7 and 15 of incubation. At day 3. dose • dependent developmental 3114,etudies including undifferentiated and unti3Ided brain parts. patent nctioiciwl. incomplete sotnite Ibmtation. twisted spinal cord. almomull heart position and under-developed eyes were found. At dm 7. morphological_ anatimtieal and morphometric studies revealed ecineeittnitiou dependent adverse ellects al' the insecticide. *the developmental detects were reduction in CR. length. mit.Tneephaly. nticroplithalmia. short beak. twisted spinal cord. micromelia. cctopia .:ardis and short and thick neck. 1)eYelqintental anomalies in 15 dm ernhrvmr were also hound dose dependent. such as dwarlism. ntoimpia. mieromelia. ameba. turned beak. glistroschisis and cctopia cardis The present Milli\ indicates that 1)1) VP is potentially dangerous to avian development
ASMATULLAH , RABIA HANIF. (2000.) TERATOCENICITY OF DICHLORVOS IN CHICK EMBRYOS , Punjab University Journal of Zoology, Volume 15, Issue .
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