Imam-al-Bukhari RA (194-256 A.H) was born in Bukhara on 18th Al-Shawal. His full name is Muhammad Bin Ismail Bin Ibrahim Bin Mugheera, his patronormic is Abu Abdullah and his appellation is “Bukhari”. He is among those great benefactors of the (Muslim) “Umma”, the fruit of whose diligence and struggle is benefited by all till this day. He was blessed with retentive memory and competence in the science of Sunna’h (Hadith). Reading or studying seem to be food for his mind as teaching and learning was his inherent quality, reporting and writing Hadith as his daily business. He made people write numerous Hadith. This article, by analyzing the teaching methodology of Imam-Al-Bukhari, will guide teachers towards means and ways to bring improvements in their teaching techniques. Likewise, students would be able to know the methods used by the great Imam, the roots of which are found in the era of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWS). They will better understand the methods of the Prophet (SAWS), who was sent as a teacher for the entire humanity. We can extract and deduce the principles of teaching methods of Imam-Al-Bukhari (RA) discussed in his own words from the book “Sahih Bukhari” in chapter “Kitab-al-ilm”-the personality who reported great number of Hadith and holds an alleviated position.
Dr. Hafiz Salih-Uddin, Saeedul Haq Jadoon, Amir Zaman, Abdul Ghaffa. (2014) Imam-Al-Bukhari (RA) and his Principles of the Pedagogy (Teaching Methodology), The Dialogue, Volume 9, Issue 1.
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