مقالے کی قسم

Background: The presence of skull fracture in patients sustaining traumatic brain injury is an important risk factor for intracranial lesions.Assessment of integrity of dura in depressed skull fracture is of paramount importance because if dura is torn, lacerated brain matter may be present in the wound which needs proper debridement followed by water tight dural closure to prevent meningitis, cerebral abscess, and pseudomeningocoele formation. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of dural tear in patients with depressed skull fractures. Methods: This cross-sectionalstudywas conducted atDepartment of Neurosurgery Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad.All thepatients of either patients above 1 year of age with depressed skull fracture were included in this study in consecutive manner. Patients were operated for skull fractures and per-operatively dura in the region of depressed skull fracture was closely observed for any dural tear. The data were collected on a predesigned pro forma. Results: A total of 83 patients were included in this study out of which 57 (68.7%) were males and 26 (31.3%) were females. The age of the patients ranged from 1-50 (mean 15.71±13.49 years). Most common site of depressed skull fracture was parietal 32 (38.6%), followed by Frontal in 24 (28.9%), 21(25.3%) in temporal region, 5(6.0%) were in occipital region and only 1 (1.2%) in posterior fossa.Dural tear was present in 28 (33.7%) patients and it was absent in 55 (66.3%) of patients.Conclusion:In depressed skull fractures,there are high chances of associated traumatic dural tears which should be vigilantly managed

Dr Gul Muhammad, , Ahsan Aurangzeb, , Shahbaz Ali Khan,, Rao Suhail, Iqbal Hussain, , Sudhair Alam, , Ehtisham Ahmed Khan , Afridi, Baynazir Khan, , Sajid Nazir Bhatti. (2017) DURAL TEARS IN PATIENTS WITH DEPRESSED SKULL FRACTURES, JOURNAL OF AYUB MEDICAL COLLEGE ABBOTTABAD, Volume 29, Issue 2.
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