Hindi, Urdu, or Hindustani? Revisiting ‘National Language’ Debates through Radio Broadcasting in Late Colonial India
The paper titled “Hindi, Urdu or Hindustani? Revisiting ‘National Language’ debates through radio broadcasting in late colonial India” deals with an old controversy surrounding Urdu and Hindi but appears fresh and unique in its attempt to narrow it down to the language controversy debates to the extent of All India Radio. The study is also significant because it discusses not just the language politics of that era but also sheds light on the real problems faced by radio producers and professionals working in that scenario. The study finds that despite the intensity of debate to progress towards a national language for the would-be nation in the post-British (withdrawal) situation, the divisions on the issue of language continued to become harder, with serious societal and political repercussions. The translator has added a detailed introduction and furnished with many annotations and footnotes.
Safdar Rasheed. (2022) ہندی ، اردو یا ہندوستانی ؟ نوآبادیاتی عہد کے دورِ آخر میں آل انڈیا ریڈیو پر ہونے والے قومی زبان کے مباحث: ایک بازدید, Bunyad, Vol13, Bunyad.
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