مقالے کی قسم

This research scrutinizes the influence and impact of Romanticism in the development of Modern Chinese fiction through one of the novels of Gao Xingjian. The major area of this study aims to argue that Xingjian’s novel Soul Mountain unveils the Romantic attributes through the Postmodern style; therefore stylistic diversity contributes to ventriloquize the depth of artist’s Romantic quest. This explorative study ascertains the use of Postmodern fissured structure and disseminated rhetoric as the authorial subversive strategy to hit upon the schizoid self of the Confucianist. It delineates that the use of fragmented and dispersed plot is endemic for the Romantic revolutionist, who is in search of selfcenteredness and self-actualization. As against the Postmodern nonlyrical rhetoric, Xingjian asserts the Romantic supremacy by using a medium of Romantic language that is exhibited through natural imagery, rhythm and musicality in the lines. The paper further substantiates the Romantic adherence by laying stress upon the dethronement of the Postmodern themes by the author of the novella. Consequently, it argumentatively validates its stand point that the leitmotif of Soul Mountain is Romantic in essence, conveyed affectively through the Postmodern rhetoric.

Sahar Zeeshan. (2019) Co-existence of Romantic and Postmodern Trends in Soul Mountain, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol LV, Issue 1.
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