تازہ ترین جلد
بازتاب تلمیحات در غزلهای میر محمد نصیر خان جعفری
Mir Muhammad Naseer Khan is a Persian poet of Sindh who lived
in nineteenth century. He contributed to Persian literature by creating
valuable works comprises on a collection of verses (Gazaliat), three
volumes of ‘Masnavis’ (spiritual couplet) and an epistolary collection. In
his work, Mir Muhammad Naseer Khan has used the technique of
allusion (Talmeeh) at its best along with other poetic techniques. This
technique (Talmeeh) is dominantly used in his Ghazal especially, where
he has perfectly applied this technique to create new ideas and has given
expended horizons and freshness to his poetry.
شجرفاطمه. (۱۳۶۵) Reflections of allusion in the poems of Mir Naseer Khan Jafari, Danesh, ۵۔۷ بهار تا پاییز, Issue 1.
818 -
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