The book of tafseer of Sahi Bukhariis most comprehensive book among the books of Hadith and on the basis of many features, it is considered superior to many other books of Hadith. Imam Bukhari annotates each surah one by one in his book of tafseer and constructs 114 chapters equal to the number of surah and these chapters carry 548 hadith of Zikrin which 465 are Mosool and remaining are mualaq and 100 hadith are not described before and remaining are repetitive. Imam Bukhari implements both style of description that is tafseer bil masaur and tafseer bil rai which proves the fact that Imam Bukhari supports the style of tafseer bil rai mehmood. Many Quranic information can be collected from book of tafseer for example: sabub nazool, makki & madni, ilmul qirat, ghareebul quran etc. The derivation of these features the book of tafseer of Sahi Bukhari is not the end but it is a starting point for new study
Abdul Ghaffar, Rana Tanveer Qasim. (2019) صحیح بخاری کی کتاب التفسیرکے فنی مباحث کااختصاصی مطالعہ, Al Tafseer, Vol 34, Issue 1.
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