Life is the greatest favour and bounty of Allah after faith for a believer. Muslims consider it an honour to sacrifice their lives on account of adherence to Islam as they bear witness to the Islamic creed with their martyrdom. This article aims at studying the definition and significance of martyrdom in the light of Quran and Sunnah keeping in view if the one is killed by an act attributed to the enemy or vise versa. Recently, the definition of martyr in Islamic perspective was discussed publicly in mainstream media and the issue was blurred whether the martyred forces of Islamic countries, preferably Pakistan are sha’heed or not if they sacrifice their lives defending Muslim lands. This article will dispel the clouds of doubts for readers.
Umair Mehmood Siddiqui. (2019) شہادت کی تعریف و فضائل: ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ (قتل کی نسبت دشمن کی طرف ہونے یا نہ ہونے کے اعتبار سے), Al Tafseer, Volume 33, Issue 1.
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