The Qura'n is the last and final revealed book of Almighty Allah which
was given to the seal of all Prophets Muhammad (Peace be upon
him).Commonly it is questioned by non Muslims whether the Qura'n was
written and collected during the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be
upon him).But it is proved beyond that the Qura'n was written down in
its entirety before his demise under his supervision. In this article. I have
endeavored to establish that the Qura'n was not written but recorded,
collected and produced as a hand-written manuscript called "Mushaff"
in his life time.Therefore it dispels all clouds of confusions and doubts
raised against the authenticity of the Qura'n.
Dr. Ameer Mahmood Sadiqi. (2018) جامع القرآن سیدنامحمد رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم, Al Tafseer, Volume 31-32, Issue 1.
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