The main and important source of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
Biography is Hadiths and traditions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
His companions have narrated Prophet's life with extreme wisdom
and farsightedness. While narrating the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)
traditions, they have described Hadiths without leaving any aspect.
It includes His (P.B.U.H) sayings, actions of acceptance or
rejection by His quietness, natural or un-natural, perceived or
unperceived and all reasonable matters. Even though they have
comprehensively covered, all the expressions made during the
conversations with all their integrity. His (P.B.U.H) physical
gestures during the narration of Hadiths is also a permanent and
very important aspects of Biography and principles of Hadiths.
Regarding this hundreds of examples are present in the books of
M.ramzan Najam Barvi , Dr.Humaiyon Abbas Shams . (2015) شراح حدیث کا شرہ حدیث سبب حدیث کا استفادہ , Al Tafseer, Volume 25-26, Issue 1 .
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