China has been actively involved in the African continent since long time
to fulfill its energy demands as today China import more than 30 percent of
oil from Africa continent. To achieve those interests China has been
assisting the states financially and building their infrastructure and
investing in energy sector. With the increasing involvement of the China in
Africa, United States feels that China is trying to occupy the continent for
future conflict. As far as their trade has been concerned China replaced
United States as number one trading partner of Africa, which has
underlined the US influence, as Africa is now looking for Chinese power as
its financial support demands only the Chinese access to their markets and
energy corridors whereas United states has been involved in the political
matters of the African states since long time. So Chinese involvement in the
region has weakened the US influence which has made China an influential
state which will control the future African energy resources.
Majid Ali Noonari. (2013) CHINESE INVOLVEMENT IN AFRICA AND ITS IMPACT ON UNITED STATES, Asia Pacific, Vol-31, Issue 1.
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