Poet Molvi Ahmed Mallah, from a technical point of view, appears to
be a master of words and its use in Sindhi poetry. Not only is his poetry filled
with feelings of pains and pangs of love and affec on but it also abounds with
revolu onary and reac onary elements of thoughts against feudal classes and
the Peers/Mirs. It was as a result of such an -feudal and an -Peer/ Mir approach and thoughts of his that his work could not be evaluated or receive the
recogni on it deserved.
This paper is a study of ‘Sequen al number technique’, an important
literary technique used as genus of figures of speech. There are two kinds of
numbers: Cardinals and Ordinals which can be used in ascending as well as
descending order according to the necessity and situa on of the speaker or
the writer. Besides Cardinals and Ordinals in Sindhi language, there is another
kind of a number, called ‘The Cardinal-Ordinal Number’ which as the name
suggests is a combina on of both the cardinals and the ordinals. Having studied the scope of the cardinals and the ordinals, we have come across with this
new type of number, which is the sole peculiarity of Sindhi language that can
be called cardinal-ordinal number.
Dr. Altaf Jokhio. (2019) A study of the ‘Sequential Number Technique’ in Molvi Ahmed Mallah’s poetry, Kalachi, Volume 22, Issue 1.
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