Sundri U emchandani was born on 28th September 1924 in
Hyderabad, Sindh. She was a famous writer of Sindhi literature. She has more
than 25 books to her credit, which wri"ngs include short stories, novels, poetry, travelogue, dramas etc. Her work is admired by celebrated writers such as
M. Malkani, Kishan Khatwani, Goband Punjabi, Keerat Babani, Shaikh Ayaz
and especially by her husband A. Utam Chandani.
She started her crea"ve wri"ng career as a short story writer. In 1952, she was awarded by “Sindhi Sahee"ya” ( !"# ي ( on a short story
named, “Mumta” ( )#! published in “Sathee” ($#) magazine. Up"l this point
she had wri en 200 hundred short stories accurately depic"ng the life and
problems of Sindhi society. Her most popular stories are, “Bhoori” (ي(&%
،“Shikasit”('()* ) ،Karo Ghot” (+,- و”، (#%Nanki”()#) Her novels “Kirander
Deewaroon” (ون%אد ( /. and “preet purani reet nirali” (2א %' 3א (' are
famous novels in Sindhi literature. Sundri’s prose work is unique mainly of the
topics, characteriza"on & her command over language.
Dr. Parveen Moosa. (2018) سندري اتم چنداڻي هڪ ڪهاڻيڪار ، هڪ ساهتڪار , Kalachi, Volume 21, Issue 1.
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