The present study is a part of an ethnographic research that explored the
nego a on between language and ethnicity by inves ga ng the role of language as a
component and indicator of ethnic iden ty in a linguis cally diverse ethnic group,
Baloch who speak at least four different languages i.e Balochi, Brahvi, Sindhi and Siraeki but make one single ethnic people. The study specifically inquired if language is
the core value component of Baloch ethnicity. For this purpose one hundred and twenty four young educated Baloch from different universi es were purposively sampled for
unstructured interviews while observa on was also used as a necessary tool for ethnography. The collected responses were analysed within the theore cal framework of
Smolicz Cultural Core Value Theory (1981). The analysis of the collected data showed
that most of the par cipants were monolinguals with one of the four languages men-
oned above. Some were bilingual with Urdu, the lingua franca or with one or more
languages of the group. The study reveals that whichever language the members of
Baloch ethnic group speak, Balochi language holds an important place for them and it
acts as a strong ethnic iden ty marker and a core value component of ethnicity for this
linguis cally diverse ethnic group
Fauzia Rehman Khan, Dr. Najia Zaidi , Dr. Saima Rauf. (2017) The Relationship Between Language and Ethnicity among Baloch people , Kalachi, Volume 20, Issue 2 .
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