Poetry has always been considered the best way to express
one's inner feelings principally. It is often adorned with powerful
vocabulary, similes, metaphors and unique expressions.
'San'at-e-Matlavin' relates to 'Ilm-e-Badei', but its original
relation is with 'Ilm-e-Arooz'. When a verse is composed in more
than one meter or rhyme, it is called 'San'at-e-Matlavin. It is
different in nature and is overviewed in different ways. It may be
used more than one time through 'Zahafat' as we can cut shape
of same meters. Sometimes shapes are different, but still their
rhythm is same. Moreover, it is related to sounds than words.
وجاہت تبسم. (2018) صنعتِ متلّوِن, Punjab Rung, Volume, Volume.
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