The present work studies the use of Urduised words in
the Pakistani English fiction. The present study is a corpus-based
study and investigates the influence created through the Urduised
words used in the Pakistani English drawing on the data from
Pakistani English Fiction corpus (PEF) consisting of one million
words . The influence of Urdu through Code- switching has resulted
in a lot of innovations at the lexical level in the Pakistani English. The
data analysis reveals that Pakistani English shows distinct impact of
its indigenous culture through the usage of dynamic lexis steeped in
Pakistani culture. The frequent use of Urduised words in Pakistani
English Fiction at the lexical level is the distinct feature of Pakistani
English and strengthens the fact that Pakistani English being an
independent variety has bridged the process of localization and
represents independent linguistic norms of its own.
Sajid Ahmad, Sajid Ali. (2014) Impact of Urduised English on Pakistani English Fiction, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Volume L, Issue 1.
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