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Before Islam, any idea of a woman's stature in the society was beyond imagination. A woman was only considered as a means to gratify a man's personal needs. Birth of a girl child was considered humiliation, and in the Arab culture, sons were always given preference over daughters, for males would grow to be a source of protection and would raise arms for the clan, while daughters would always be in need of protection and be forever dependent upon males. Inheritance was also considered a right of the males alone, as they were the ones who rode horses and raised arms to defend their people. In the dark days before Islam, if a male would pass away, his wife would become a property of whoever among the family would put his cloth over the wife of the deceased. She would then become a property of that person, either as a wife or a slave, until she would raise some money and give it as ransom for her freedom. The following article inspects the Islamic teachings pertaining to rights of women particularly in terms of inheritance.

Imran Ul Haq Kalyanvi Bukhari. (2017) The Scope of Islam about Kafalat (responsibility for Women), Pakistan Journal of Applied Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 1.
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