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This article presents an analysis of Mustansar Hussain Tāraṛ’s novel Aiy Ghazāl-i Shab (2013). According to Awān this ‘is the only novel of its kind in Urdu literature that documents the socio-politic ... Read More

This is the correspondence between contributor Umar Farooq and editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In this article, Farooq quotes the author ‘Elements of Prosody: Scansion’, and draws attention o ... Read More

Félix Boutrox came to India in the early nineteenth century. An attempt has been made in this study to collect the scattered information about his life and to discuss his role in the development of th ... Read More

Science based on materialistic queries has played a vital role in the development of modern societies. It has provided an opportunity to challenge old metaphysical concepts. Thinkers have tried to und ... Read More

The nineteenth century saw some important developments in the growth of journalism in the Urdu language. Some very dynamic people influenced this change. Christian missionaries also contributed toward ... Read More

This article deals with the work of poets who have no particular affiliation with any literary movement or a specific trend. They have their own concept and understanding of life and human behavior. Y ... Read More

Humanism is a prominent aspect of Chinese literature. Since ancient times, throughout the entire classical period, Chinese literature richly manifests humanistic values. This article attempts to criti ... Read More

Lahore has always been the center of cultural and literary activities. This article presents a cross sectional study of the history of Lahore Urdu Theatre from 1971 to date. It relates the theatrical ... Read More

Most critics agree about Naiyer Masūd’s complex creative expression that defies any particular reading methodology. However, at the same time, reading him can be a peculiarly pleasurable experience. T ... Read More

This article presents a brief review of the last one hundred years of the Urdu short story. Tracing the evolving trends during this period, the writer focuses on the various aspects of the contemporar ... Read More

Mīr Taqī Mīr’s Nikāt al-Shuʿrā is historically considered the first anthologized account of Urdu poets. This ‘tazkirā’ was first published by Anjuman-i Taraqqī-i Urdu Hind with Maulvi Habīb ur Rahmān ... Read More

Amīr Mīnāi (1829-1900) was a man of multidimensional talents and an important name in the tradition of Urdu poetry. He stands out among the poets of the Lukhnavī School for his spontaneous and languid ... Read More

Azīz Ibnul Hasan writes that Salīm Ahmad’s creativity had several dimensions. He was a playwright, a script writer for films, a columnist etc., but two of his creative identities undermined the rest: ... Read More

Majīd Amjad’s poetic journey spans a period of about forty two years. His was a period of changing value systems across the cultural milieu of the world. This greatly influenced poets and writers and ... Read More

This article discusses the major theme of Majīd Amjad’s naẓm, i.e., the modern man’s place in the infinite universe of ‘Time’. The new naẓm posed the question of ‘who is this being?’ This led to the ... Read More

Shiblī Naumānī was born in 1857—a turbulent time in the history of the subcontinent—and died in 1914. Apart from being a renowned poet and scholar, and the master of many languages, Shiblī Naumānī was ... Read More

These are letters sent by Syed Sulemān Nadvī (1884-1953) to Munshī Muhammad Amīn Zuberī (1872-1958) written between 1943 and 1961. Nadvī was the spirit behind the ‘Dārul muṣannifīn’ and along with som ... Read More

Syed Sulemān Nadvī was a devoted disciple of Maulānā Shiblī Naumānī. Shiblī was also aware of the rare intellectual qualities of his student, which led to a relationship of mutual consultation on such ... Read More

Urdu is one of the twenty-two national languages of India. It enjoys the status of an official language in only one province. It does not itself belong to any specific region, sect or tribe. Before 1 ... Read More

Muhammad Umer Memon argues that ambiguity and the elusive nature of meaning in texts are a challenge for any translator. Any given text, especially literary fiction can have more than one reading, ind ... Read More

Tarīkh-i Jadīd is the first travelogue of Britain written in South Asia. It was written originally in the Persian language in the latter half of the eighteenth century by Munshī Isma'īl, but the manus ... Read More

Tarīkh-i Jadīd is the first travelogue of Britain written in South Asia. It was written originally in the Persian language in the latter half of the eighteenth century by Munshī Isma'īl, but the manus ... Read More

Mukhtār Zaman (1924-2003) was a noted writer and journalist who retired as Director General of the Associate Press of Pakistan. He had also worked for Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation and BBC London. ... Read More

This article introduces ‘Zafarnāma-i ʿishq’, a Dakkanī long poem (maṡnavī), written in the Seventeenth Century by Syed Muzaffar Ibn Syed Ayub Shāh. Six manuscripts of this poem have so far been found. ... Read More

Ahmed Yār Khān Yakta (d. 1734) from Khushāb, a fine poet of the Persian language, in his long poem (maṡnavī) ‘Jahān Ᾱshōb’, elegized the crises of the period after Aurangzēb Ālamgīr (d. 1706), the las ... Read More

Garcin De Tassy’s (1794-1878) foundational work on Urdu language and literature as well as the study of Islam is a monumental contribution to Oriental Studies. Of great value to Urdu is his book Histo ... Read More