آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

‘Reflections’ is one of Taufiq Rafat’s longest, most complex poems, with significant philosophical contours and symbolism. It is also the most important in a very personal sense. The author presents a ... Read More

The author calls into question why the Urdu poet Majīd Amjad is not ranked with the likes of Rāshid, Mīrāji and Faiz. She argues that Amjad’s poetry did not correspond with the current trends of Weste ... Read More

The article discusses the role of European Christian missionaries in the field of education in British India and the services rendered by them to the languages and literature of the region. As rulers, ... Read More

Urdu, since its very inception has been a cementing force among the people of India. It is the only modern Indian language which has been used by writers of all communities as a medium of expression. ... Read More

The author has critically reviewed Uxi Mufti’s book, Pakistani Ṡaqāfat (Pakistani Culture) as a serious and important work, a work which encourages dialogue and the acknowledgement of Pakistan as a na ... Read More

This article presents a study of the protagonists in the Western novel. Beginning from Don Quixote up till the twentieth century, a study of these protagonists indicates a pattern of characteristics a ... Read More

This is a translation by Muhammad Umar Memon of Jorge Luis Borges’s interview by Ronald Christ, conducted in July 1966 and published in English in The Paris Review in 1967. The title of the interview ... Read More

This research article analyses Siddique Salik’s book Hama Yārāṅ Dozakh as a genre of reportage. In this article, it is argued that Hama Yārāṅ Dozakh is reportage and not an autobiography as it is usua ... Read More

Inshā’ia, the’ light essay’, is comparatively a new genre of Urdu prose but it has gained much popularity and several critical works on the Inshā’ia have recently been written. Wazīr Āgha is perhaps t ... Read More

In the 20th century, science and industrial growth had a great impact on social consciousness, thereby having a significant effect on art and literature. After the First World War, bloodshed and colon ... Read More

The short story is an important literary genre of the contemporary age. In this essay, the author argues that the definition of the short story must now be reviewed. It must not be defined only in ter ... Read More

Short story is one of the most popular genres of fiction in Urdu literature. Although the novel was introduced earlier than the short story but the popularity of the latter is evident from the valuabl ... Read More

During the postmodern era, a number of phenomena have surfaced, that have left a far reaching impact on our sensory perceptive behaviour. Discourses of globalization, the corporate culture and a new w ... Read More

Two renowned theatre organizations, Government College Lahore Dramatics Club and Alhamra Arts Council were established after Partition. This article focuses on the theatrical activities of Alhamra Art ... Read More

The depiction of Nature in Urdu literary writings has a deep-rooted tradition. It has gone through a process of transformation with the changing times and conditions of society. The relationship betwe ... Read More

Balrāj Menra’s short story represents both the urban culture of Delhi and the rural culture of Punjab in general. He is thus believed to be a true representative of his time. He constructs his short s ... Read More

Asrār-i Khudī was published in times that were tumultuous across the entire world. The Islamic world was economically impoverished and politically dominated by the West. Iqbal wanted to see these cond ... Read More

In this article Iqbal’s Persian poem “Tanhā’ī” (Solitude) has been analysed. The poem consists of four ‘band’ or stanzas. The poem is deeply reflective and all its four stanzas cohesively unite in mea ... Read More

Atiya Faizi was known for her exceptional intellectual faculties as well as her connections with renowned scholars and literati. Her relationship with Shibli Naumani (1857-1914) and Allama Iqbal(1877- ... Read More

Iqbal’s vision revolutionized Eastern thought as he analysed and studied the mechanical and technology-oriented twentieth century mind without compromising on religious and spiritual values of the Eas ... Read More

This paper critically analyses the controversial critique that followed the publication of Iqbal’s Asrār-i Khudī. Iqbal became the target of severe criticism on the use of the word ‘Khudī’; he was acc ... Read More

Iqbal has given a new meaning to the concept of ‘Khudī’ or ‘Self’. He perceives it as the prime element of all things that exist in the universe. ‘Khudī’ gives each object/being its unique identity, w ... Read More

‘Sair-e-Mulk-e-Awadh’ is Yusuf Khan Kambalposh’s second travelogue, accounting travels within and around the state of Awadh. The manuscript was obtained from the Bodleian Library in Oxford, from the I ... Read More

Based on the principles of comparative linguistics, the authors have traced in this article, the link between Urdu and two major languages of the Sutlej region, Punjabi and Seraiki. The links between ... Read More

The city of Hyderabad in India grew on the shores of the 'Rūd-i Mūsī'. This rivulet runs through the city and eventually falls into the river Krishna. It also divides the city into the old and the new ... Read More

Sindh has a long tradition of encouraging and promoting Persian literature, which also includes anthologies of poets and their selected verse. Along with Sindhi scholars, settlers from outside Sindh h ... Read More

It is a common misconception that words borrowed from English (or other European languages) found their way into Urdu only after the 1857 War of Independence. The fact is that English loanwords, or wo ... Read More

This paper is an introduction and analysis of the first Persian autobiography written in India. The autobiography was written by Amīruddīn Miraṅ Jī Shamsul Ushshāq around 1585. Shamsul Ushshāq belonge ... Read More