آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

This study investigated the mediating role of employee well-being and engagement in the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intentions. It also investigated the interactional effe ... Read More

This study aimed to investigate the determinants of trading volume. For this purpose a sample of fifty firms listed at KSE had been considered. 50 firms based on capitalization were selected from non- ... Read More

The current study explored the relationship between procedural justice and organizational commitment with the moderating role of pay satisfaction. Furthermore, it also aimed to identify the impact of ... Read More

This study intends to assess how corporate governance affects the financial distress in non-financial listed companies in Pakistan. Sample of 53 companies was obtained from non-financial institutes li ... Read More

Facebook is the most trendy social network to date whose popularity is rising swiftly nowadays in our society. The overall purpose of this research is to evaluate the determinants of Facebook Usage at ... Read More

Attraction towards social networking sites is increasing day by day. People join social networking sites to communicate with their friends, share their feelings and gain information from different pla ... Read More

This paper is concerned with exploring financial strength of Islamic banks in Pakistan, Bangladesh, United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on the bases of bank size. Using panel regression technique th ... Read More

The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between psychological empowerment and two behavioral outcomes of an employee (organizational citizenship behavior and knowledge sharing behavior) ... Read More

While most firms acknowledge the importance of their human resource assets, no firm has as yet tried to show it in its balance sheet. This is due to three main problems: firstly, the absence of a gene ... Read More

The current study was aimed to examine the relationship between default risk premium and equity return by using sample of hundred companies from period between 2000 and 2015, listed at Karachi Stock E ... Read More

The current study examined the role of support for creativity in determining creativity with the mediating role of epistemic curiosity and moderating role of trust in leadership. Data were collected f ... Read More

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of envy on interpersonal conflict, through the mechanism of schadenfreude and the moderating effect of work ethics, among nurses in Pakistan. Conv ... Read More

The current study aimed to explore the impact of spiritual intelligence in the task performance and OCB, through the mediating mechanism of self efficacy and the moderating impact of collectivist cult ... Read More

This study empirically examined the impact of breach of psychological contract on employees’ quality of life via the mediating mechanism of psychosomatic strain, while facilitating effect of power dis ... Read More

For analysis of managerial entrenchment hypothesis, insider’s ownership (MSO) is divided into three parts, i.e., MSO less than 25%, between 25% and 50% and above 50%. For data analysis Random effect m ... Read More

The current study was aimed at finding the effect of Work Family Conflict (WFC) on Burnout and Workplace Deviant behavior of employees, through the mechanism of Job Stress at banks in Pakistan. Data w ... Read More