آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

The present study focuses on finding out the main attributes that determine the reasons of impulse buying behavior in Pakistan. The data has been gathered through questionnaires from 400 buyers of dif ... Read More

This study aimed to explore the relationship between psychological biases and risk perception of investors. It employed primary data that was collected by using a questionnaire. The data was collected ... Read More

Bundles of HR practices and job performance relationship is very essential to understand for any organization as better the job performance, better would be the organizational performance. The main pu ... Read More

This study investigates the relationship between impression management and job satisfaction, examining the moderating role of political skills between impression management and Leader Member Exchange ... Read More

This study was an attempt to analyze the impact of general and presidential elections on stock market returns of Karachi Stock Exchange. The event study methodology was employed and the data from 1997 ... Read More

The aim of this study was to find out the impact of Transformational Leadership Style on job satisfaction and turn over intention moderated by organizational culture in the banking sector of Pakistan. ... Read More