آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

Journalism is the production and distribution of reports on current events based on facts and supported with proof or evidence. There are many places where people can find information and news. News i ... Read More

Instability of the world is an important theme in the teachings of Sufism in the Subcontinent. The Sufis of this region are often urged not to fall in love with this transient world. A Sufi of this la ... Read More

This article is full of effective information about Punjabi Linguistics and Historical Linguistics.Firstly the writer has given different definitions of language ,linguistics and defined the main term ... Read More

Mian Jaan Muhammad is one of the classical poets of the Punjabi language. He has been mentioned by Mian Muhammad Bakhsh amongst the other top tier poets of Punjabi language in his book "Saif-ul-Malook ... Read More

Islam teaches tolerance and moderation. Extremism and violence have no place in Islamic society. This research article examines in the light of teachings of Baba Farid -ud- Din Ganj Shukar. How Baba J ... Read More

Slangs are defined as unpopular word, phrase or Jargon of some particular class in society. It is a low popular cant which is used to convey the real meanings of words. Hence this type of words or phr ... Read More

COVID 19, which first identified and reported in China quickly, become pandemic it affected the economic, social and political landscape of the world. Just like the rest of the world, Pakistan also fe ... Read More

In the poetic world, Milli (National) Version is one of the important aspect. In Punjabi poetry most of the poest addresses the soil of Punjabi rather than the Millat and Nation. Rana Abdul Qadrir is ... Read More