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The history Balochi poetry is very ancient and deepأrooted، but the history of lyric is very new and earlier. The lyric is not a native “style” of the Balochi literature, but has come from the neig ... Read More

The Khanates of Kalat had been a key role for the sake of Kalat State before the occupation of the British Imperialists. This paper covers the political and administrative reforms of Khanates of Ka ... Read More

Balochi is one of the oldest languages in the Iranian region, and spoken in Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan. Turkmenistan, the gulf countries and some other parts of the world, but lacks a standard ort ... Read More

The tradition of the Balochi drama exists long before in the traditional games, folk stories, and poetry and other aspects of everyday life, but the concept of new drama is earlier. The written hist ... Read More

Balochi folk poetry has been a dominant factor throughout the Baloch history. The Balochi folk poetry consists of Sipat, halo, ládók, Lúli, zahírók, Lílo, Layladí, dihi and mótk(elgy). The aim of t ... Read More

The techniques and styles of the fiction have been introduced in the western world long before, namely from centuries, but these techniques are new in the Balochi fiction. The aim of this paper is ... Read More

The human civilization is not new, but consists of a long history from the beginning of the first day. Developments and declination come and go by the sphere of time, but leave some effects in the ... Read More

Nushki is one of the richest and historical districts of Balochistan, situated near borders of the Afghanistan and Iran. this paper presents the past and present of the district’s developments conc ... Read More

The Balochi language is one of the oldest languages of the Arian region and currently it is categorized Iranian language of Indo-European family۔ the Balochi language has a lot of similarities amon ... Read More

This paper focused upon the social and martial traditions of the Balochs. It is an effort to dig out the classical Baloch tradition and to carry them to the youth with the message they should remem ... Read More

Resistance has been a part and parcel of the Baloch nations against the despotic rulers throughout the history for protection of their lives, land, honor and disgrace. The objective of this paper is ... Read More

The aim of this paper is to discuss the dialects of the Balochi language, its official and educational status in the educational institutions and to take a glance over the written history of the Ba ... Read More

The homogeneity and heterogeneity and the question of Baloch identity has been a question among the non-Baloch people and the word Baloch has been misinterpreted throughout the history. The aim of ... Read More

The process of marginalization symphonizes poverty & underdevelopment economic development entails the location of an area in international system as economic advantage defines the pursuits of nati ... Read More

The aim of this article is to provide detailed descriptions of the morpho-syntactic variations of grammatical relations within the nominal and verbal paradigms in three south Asian Languages. The s ... Read More