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Punjabi enjoys a very significant status among languages of the world. Another salient feature of this language is that it is written in two scripts. Gurumukhi is its oldest script and it has been pro ... Read More

Literature is called index of life but Ghazal was limited to present only love, romance, beauty and sorrows of partition. with the passage of time, every fact of life became evident in Ghazal. Punj ... Read More

In the late 1970s and 80s, Pakistan's mainstream cinema is dominated by the Punjabi films. Urdu films were known for their social dramas and love stories; however, Punjabi films were mostly associ ... Read More

The present article illustrates the philosophy of MARD-E-KAMIL in the tale "SAIF-UL-MULOOK" written by the great Punjabi Sufi Poet Mian Muhammad Bakhsh. Mian Muhammad Bakhsh was master of the lang ... Read More

Language is the sole tool that suplies meaning to our consciousness.Whether we accept the Essentialist approach of Aristotle or switch to the structualist approach of Saussure we can not deny this ... Read More

This article about the influence and impact of Persian Language on Punjabi. Although the Punjabi language is not much closer to Persian language in many ways but the influence of Persian language ... Read More

This article scrutinizes the savagery of the people towards women that has been beaut ifully summarized by Ahmed Rahi in his nationally acclaimed book "Tarinjin". Tarinjan is a collection of Punja ... Read More

Mola Shah was great Punjabi Sufi Poet. He was born in India in a farmer's family. He showed signs of Sufism in his early childhood, than he became a disciple of Mohiuddin Shah. Mola Shah wrote many ... Read More

This research paper is about unknown Punjabi poet of last century. Mulana Mufti Barkat Ali Alvi had done many important works in poetry. One of his most important works is his excellent effort abo ... Read More