آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

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During the market turmoil, and later in the year 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) decided to discontinue the trading in single stock futures (SSFs) at the Karachi Stock ... Read More

The purpose of this study is to estimate poverty reducing impacts of growth on agricultural and industrial subsectors of Pakistan. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) approach, to co-integration and ... Read More

This study explores the price and non-price factors which affect the real imports in Pakistan. It considers the Bounds Testing Approach to investigate co-integration between the real imports and its f ... Read More

The research has been undertaken on social capital with reference to developing countries context like Pakistan, and focuses on how the existence of social capital can lead to welfare of the household ... Read More

Climate change is an emerging threat for our planet. It has manifested in disasters of unpredictable frequency and intensity in different parts of the world. The climate plays such a major role in our ... Read More

Discussing the Current Fiscal Issues of Pakistan we first need to consider the Federal Budget 2015-16, presented in the National Assembly on 5th June 2015. It may be noted that the ‘focus of the budge ... Read More

Considerably more commodities are available to consumers in open economies and openness brings these at cheaper rate, according to Rome’s hypothesis. The Johansen cointegration technique nullified Rom ... Read More

In recent years, all over the world, governments are much concerned about setting targets in order to achieve better efficiency of public goods. In Pakistan, the government of Punjab is also spending ... Read More

This study analyses the impact of trade on within-country inequality using a panel data set from 65 developing countries [see, Appendix (Table A-2)]. This study differs from the existing literature on ... Read More

The present study examines the trading patterns of Pakistan with its two major trading partners: China and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), through the application of purchasing power parity (PPP) theo ... Read More

Global Climate Change has become the central and worldwide issue which has emerged as a major scientific concern and subject of public policy. Two reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Cha ... Read More

Agricultural sector is still the largest sector of the Pakistan economy contributing almost one-fifth to the GDP and providing employment to a little less than half the total employed labor force. Tre ... Read More