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The answer to the question Are the Structural Adjustment Programmes Succcs sful?" raises a number of difficult statistical and analytical problems. How would a country subject to a structural adjustme ... Read More

All economies continuously need to adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities, and countries which have adapted along lines promoted by the Bretton Woods institutions (BWIs) have achieved stron ... Read More

This paper looks at the impact of structural adjustment on the macroeconomic performance. of Pakistan. After a brief description of the broad characteristics of the various policies im-plemented under ... Read More

In a delightful, instructive book, The March of Folly (Ballantine Books, New York, 1985), Barbara Tuchman explains the distinction between what she calls misgovernment (in general), and one of its ... Read More

Trade policy reform, in the form of liberalisation or removal of restrictions on trade, has been a predominant feature of World Bank Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAPs) under-taken, to various deg ... Read More

The budget deficit, presently around 8 per cent of the GDP, is unequivocally believed to be the most serious economic problem facing Pakistan's economy. It is held responsible for causing inflation, l ... Read More

Pakistan's tax system is characterized by a number of structural problems. First, the overall level of fiscal effort is low and the tax-to-GDP ration has remained, more or less, stagnant at between 12 ... Read More

Indian development economics has a long-standing intellectual support for "liberal" neo-Keynesi an and "radical" neo -Ricardian visions of economics. "Liberalising" neo-classical economics is a relati ... Read More

In the past — until the epochal year of 1989 — the thinking of many African governments has been dominated by the dichotomy between capitalist and socialist development models. Thank God, this era wit ... Read More

Structural adjustment is a continuous process and a concomitant of development. Prudent governments, therefore, endeavour to further the adju.sunan process rather than waiting for a crisis. But a cris ... Read More