آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

The book under review is the fifth of seven volume series published under the auspices of the World Bank containing the foreign trade libera-lization experiences of three countries — Indonesia, Pakist ... Read More

An attempt has been made to explore the determinants of public investment in agricultural extension services in Pakistan. We find empirical support for the efficiency model as against the interest gro ... Read More

Housing demand parameters are not known in Pakistan, This paper estimates the value of the housing stock (and flow of service 0 from 1960-01 to 1987-88 and Rena up a model of lagged adjustment to desi ... Read More

The study, based on 20 thousand school age children, of which a little more than half attend school, identifies the factors which influence the decision-making with regard to sending the child to scho ... Read More

We have computed a total factor productivity index for Pakistan’s large-scale manufacturing sector for the period 1955-81. The impact of the violation emanting from the use of growth accounting techni ... Read More

La Porte and Ahmed have done well at analyzing the more specific economic (micro and macro) and management issues of Pakistan’s public enterprises. Their focus is more on specific industries and conce ... Read More

Kakwani (1980) has suggested the use of Gini Coefficient to estimate income elasticities. This paper shows that co-efficient of variation , another measure of inequality . can also be used efficiently ... Read More

The third world brain drain problem contains elements of economic, social and political complexities. The neo-classical economic theory may, therefore, be deficient in explaining brain drain. A number ... Read More

This paper surveys major issues in the financial repression literature. A theoretical discussion of sources of imperfections in capital market and financial repression is presented. Important conclusi ... Read More

In this paper we have identified the sources of growth and its beneficiaries in Pakistan’s large scale manufacturing sector using a simultaneous equation model. The use of such a model was necessitate ... Read More