آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

تازہ ترین جلد

Fashion is known to exert an important influence on adolescent girls clothing. However extent of adoption depends on perceptions about fashion and relative importance of perceived benefits of adop ... Read More

Food photographs are often considered an important aid in assessment of dietary intakes. As part of a project for development of Pakistani Food Photograph Atlas (PFA), photographs of a large numbe ... Read More

Weaning is the process in which an infant’s diet pattern is gradually changed from liquid foods like breast milk and substitute milk preparations to cooked solid foods. The main purpose of the study ... Read More

Obesity is increasing among affluent people of the developing world, however underweight may still be present and both the problems needs to be assessed and addressed simultaneously. This study was ... Read More

The diversity within the gender identity of male-to-female gender dysphoric community is investigated with the goal of developing a model of gender identity that can more adequately describe this div ... Read More

The main objective of this study was to investigate the challenging issues faced by church-based training institutions in Eldoret municipality who offer dressmaking and tailoring skills to the youth. ... Read More

The possible role any consumer could play in promoting sustainable consumption or development is associated with the degree of choice a consumer has and factors influencing his choice. The purpose of ... Read More