Role of Islamic Jurists in the Development of Fiqh-e-Hanafi in Sub-Continent (19th Century CE)
This paper is to explore the role of Muslim religious scholars and Islamic Jurists
of 19" century CE in the development of Fiqh—e-Hanafi. This period was the
reign of the last two Mughal Rulers, Akbar Shah II and his successor Bahadur
Shah Zafar. This was an era of decline for Muslims both socially and politically.
Central Government was very weak. Internal and external enemies were playing
conspiracy games to demolish the residual of Mughal Government. Regardless
of this worst situation, the rulers were busy in their luxuries activities while
Ulama were engaged in spreading the teachings of Figh e Hanafi through writing
books, debates, preaching ctc. Similarly, some of Ulama were officially
appointed as Qazi and Mufti who were developing Figh e Hanafi by making
decisions and answering the Fatwa in the light of this law.
Although it was a crucial time for the Muslims, but Ulama realized and fulfilled
their responsibilities within their respective fields. Some of the famous Quzat
(Judges) and Muftiyaan were Qazi Khalil ur Rahman Rampuri, Qazi Inayat
Kakorvi, Mufti Khalil ur Rehman Kakorvi, Mufti Sharfuddin Rampur, Mufti
Ali Kabir Machli Shehri, Mufti Saad ullah Murad Abadi, Mufti Riaz uddin
Kakorvi, Mufti Abdul Qayyoom Siddiqi, Mufti Abdul Ghafoor Hamayuni and
Mufti Aziz ur Rahman Deoband1.
During this period, Ulama wrote a lot of books according to Figh e Hanafi and
thus played a vital role in the evolution of this fiqh. Among these authors some
prominent names were Mufti Sharf ud din Rampuri, Maulana Abdul Hay
Farangi Mahali, Molvi Faqeer Muhamamd Jehalmi, Maulana Rasheed Ahmad
Gangohi, Maulana Ahmad Raza Khana Baralvi, Peer Syed Mehar Ali Shah,
Maulana Abdul Aziz Usmani, Maulana Ashsraf Ali Thanwi and Maulana Amjad
Ali Azami.
Anwar Ali, Dr Muhammad Yousaf. (2018) برصغیر میں فقہ حنفی کے ارتقاء میں فقہاء کا کردار(انیسویں صدی عیسوی, Hazara Islamicus, Volume 7, Issue 2.
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