In this article, the procedure of counseling system in the light of Quran, Sunnah and Shariah are analyzed briefly. What is counseling, its literal and conotential meanings are discussed in detail. Basically, the fact of the Shura (consultation) is to investigate the opinion of an expert in order to get closer to the truth in any problem. The main purpose of Shura is to create the harmony among the people, society and stakeholders. Moreover, this article relies on the theme that fashionable Muslim polity ought to be grounded within the Quranic principle of “Shura” (consultation) that outlines a representative style of government. It discloses that though form of government of Islam finds its chief supply of legislation within the Laws of God as unconcealed to the Prophet Muhammad however fashionable ideas of political system, of governance and techniques of administration of justice don't seem to be against or one thing strange for Muslim system rather Qur᾿ᾱn and hadith contain most fashionable ideas of governance and administration which are thought-about as prime issues of the modern political systems of the globe.

Muhammad Muavia Khan, Dr. Hafiz Ahmad Ali, Dr. Muhammad Imran . (2020) AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF COUNSELING SYSTEM IN THE LIGHT OF QURAN ANAD SUNNAH, Epistemology: Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 7, Volume 2.
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