Marketers today bombard messages on consumers through diverse advertisement channels without recognizing what consumers actually perceive about them. The selection of advertisement channels depends primarily upon the needs, preferences, lifestyle, and culture of the target market. Considering religion an important aspect of culture, this qualitative research uses interviewing technique and ascertains perception of nine Malaysian Muslim consumers about various advertising channels. Using convenience sampling, it further probes reasons for liking and disliking a particular advertisement channel. Findings indicate that TV has been liked the most among majority respondents. Contrarily, random advertisement emails are found the most disliked advertisement channel. Furthermore likes and dislikes pertaining to eight advertisement channels (TV, FM radio, Magazine, Newspaper, Pamphlet, Web site banners and popups, Emails and Billboards) have been highlighted individually. This study will help marketers determine both effective and ineffective advertisement channels in order to attract and retain Muslim consumers. Comparison of diversified channels will help managers discern the channel that Muslim consumers liked and disliked the most which will subsequently help in decision making.

Dr. Muhammad Ahmed, Dr. Syed Ahmad Ali. (2020) MUSLIM CONSUMERS’ PERCEPTION ABOUT DIVERSE MARKETING ADVERTISEMENT CHANNELS: A QUALITATIVE STUDY IN MALAYSIA, Epistemology: Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1.
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