Novel and Its Narration
Creative and appropriate use of language is the basic tool of
expression in a literary writing. The use of language not only
manifests the contemporary features of a language but also its
different shades as it is used in poetry and prose and fiction
non-fiction genres. Moreover, it shows the uniqueness of a
writer among his contemporaries. In novel narration and
dialogues are two different areas where language is used in
different ways. Narration shows the language of writer
whereas the dialogues show the language used by characters.
When novel introduced in Urdu as a literary genre, use of
powerful narration has been one of its main features. Initially,
novels of Nazir Ahmed were praised due to its narration and
appropriate use of language and this tradition continues in
later novels. However, the situation in criticism of novel is
different. In the books written in Urdu on art of novel, the
discussion on the use of language in fiction is mostly given
less importance as compared to other features included in art
of novel. After partition to contemporary era, novelists have
presented a variety and creativity in narration as well as in
dialogues by introducing flavor of other local languages in
Urdu. The article discusses the importance and implications of
use of language in narration and dialogues in a novel.
Dr Abid Hussain Sial, Iffat Fatima. (2020) ناول اور اسکی زبان, DARYAFT, Volume 23, Issue 23.
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