The current study explains the phonological adaptation of diphthongs in English loanwords adopted in Saraiki language. This process is described through acoustic analysis of four diphthongs. The data from 30 illiterate participants are analyzed through SPSS and PRAAT software. In order to collect data, pictures downloaded from internet and used as stimuli. The results of the study explain how in all target English loanwords, Saraiki speakers change native English pronunciation. The target loanwords containing diphthongs change into monophthongs, /ei/ is substituted by /e:/ and /əu/ with /o:/ vowel by Saraiki speakers. Similarly, /au/ changes into /əo/ and /ai/ is pronounced as /æ/ or /əi/ by the respondents. The study also explains different factors, which cause to change the pronunciation of Saraiki speakers. Some of these factors are influence of L1, markedness and orthography.

Firdos Atta, Zafar Ali, Arshad Saleem. (2019) Monophthongization of English diphthongs in loanwords by Saraiki Speakers, Balochistan Journal of Linguistics, Volume 7, Issue 1.
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