This study aims to investigate the acoustic properties of the native Pashto and English vowels spoken in District Mianwali. The main purpose of the study is to pin down the similarities and dis similarities in acoustic properties of both the languages vowels. The study adopts a quantitative approach. The participants of the study are selected by convenient based sampling and then categorized into two groups (Group A and Group B). The data was collected through two stimuli, lists of words (Pashto and English). The analysis is carried by applying the speech learning model (SLM). The present study shows that Pashto and English have different number of vowels and these are in dissimilar position on their respective inventories. The comparison of acoustic properties of English vowels with Pashto speakers‟ acoustic properties proves that these are significantly dissimilar from each other. An analysis of vowels produced by the native speakers of English shows that out of eleven vowels of English, /i:/, /e/ and /ɒː/ are like Pashto vowels and F1 for /ɪ/ and /ɑ:/ of English are like L1 Pashto vowels. F1, F2 for /u:/ and duration values of the vowel /æ/ are also like the native English speakers‟ corresponding vowels. In addition, F1 for vowel /æ/, F2 for vowel /ʊ/, /æ/ and /ɑ:/ of Pashto learners are neither like L1 Pashto nor like native speakers of English. This work will initiate further linguistic investigations on Pashtoon learners of English. The study concludes that the SLM is valid for the context of English L2 speakers in acquisition of some of the vowels but the model does not account for some dimensions of acquisition of some other vowels of English by Pakistani learners who speak Pashto as L1.

Aamir Saeed, Arshad Saleem, Ihsan Kakar, Munir Khan . (2019) A Comparative Study: Acoustic Analysis of English and Pashto Vowels Produced by the Native Speakers of Pashto, Balochistan Journal of Linguistics, Volume 7, Issue 1.
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