Quranic Principles regarding internal peace and strength: Positive and Negative Aspect

Peace and security are the essential pre-requisites of a civilized human society, and thus fundamentally prime responsibility of a state to ensure its maintenance and consolidation. The Holy Quran, emphasizes the significance of peace and security, both internal and external, and provides perfect guidance laying down basic principles and guidelines encompassing diversified aspects of peace to bring about and maintain security and tranquility in the society under the elaborate state structure based on policy measures. These guiding principles of Quran, whenever put into practice, have yielded immensely beneficial outcome in terms of policy formulation and strategic implementation. Internal peace and security of a state can only be guaranteed if all the ingredients of social, economic, political and criminal justice, as ordained by Allah, are put in place. The positive measures prescribed by Holy Quran include character building of the citizens on the lines prescribed by Quran, economic welfare and social betterment of the masses besides social integration, political enlightenment and supremacy of law. Eradication of economic depravity and social inequalities, curbing criminal and anti-social elements, waging effective war against internal and external hostile forces and coming down on all forms of injustice with iron hands are the negative measures to achieve the goal of a peaceful and secure society in the light of Quran.

Ghulam Rasool Zahid, Dr. Abdul Hameed Abbasi. (2020) داخلی امن و استحکام سے متعلق قرآنی مبادیات: ایجابی وسلبی پہلو, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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