The Utility of qayas in the Solution of Modern Jurisprudential Issues( A Research Analysis of Fatawa Rizwiyyah and Imdad Al Fatawa)

Qiyas is an important tool employed to resolve issues not directly covered by the Qur’an and Sunnah. Its utility and significance are established and acknowledged by all the scholars of the ummah including the four imams and their followers, Imam Ibn Taymiyah (d. 728 AH) and his most distinguished disciple, Allamah Ibn Qayyim (d. 751 AH). The reason for this is that Islam is a vibrant and abiding religion in which there is not the slight possibility of any stagnation. Every now and then, new issues spring forth about which we do not have any clear directive of religion. Since these issues need to be resolved, Qiyas must necessarily be resorted to, keeping in view the injunctions of Islam and its dynamic nature.Qiyas is a form of Ijtihad. Several methodologies of Ijtihad have crystallized into established principles. The jurists of our ummah have undertaken Ijtihad and Qiyas keeping in view academic needs, emergent issues and the requirements of their culture and civilization. The authors of Fatawa e Rizwiyyah and Imdad ul Fatawa have also resolved issues that arose in their times through Qiyas. Examples of their edicts can be seen in these works. In their traditional expression of utter humility, they have even written: “In the first place, we are not competent enough to undertake Ijtihad and Qiyas ” Then right adjacent to this statement have stated the principles of Qiyas and their works reflect several instances of it.

Abrar Ahmad, Dr.Abdul Basit. (2020) غیر منصوص مسائل کے حل میں قیاس سے استخدام(فتاوی رضویہ اور امدادالفتاوی کا تحقیقی جائزہ), Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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