Social /collective justice and Islamic and western concept of welfare state and responsibilities of religious Scholars: a Compara

The Concept of Social Justice and Welfare State in Islamic and Western Discourse and Responsibilities of Ulema(A comparative Study in the Light of Prophetic Teachings)Academic terms are always needed to be carefully studied in their respective context. Social Justice and Welfare State are the terms that have been invented by west. From the second half of 19th century, Muslim thinkers began to use these terms in Islamic context. This article is aimed to present a brief understanding of these terms both in Islamic and Western Discourse. The author has tried to show broader circle of social justice described in the constitution of Pakistan .He has matured his opinion that Ulema in a Muslim society must step forward to lead welfare activities aligning them with masajid .

Dr. Hafiz Abdul Qayyum. (2020) عدل اجتماعی اور فلاحی ریاست کا اسلامی و مغربی تصور اور علماے کرام کی ذمہ داریاں:تعلیماتِ نبوی کی روشنی میں تقابلی مطالعہ, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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