The Concept of Sovereignty in Modern Political Thought: Introduction and Analyses

This research paper deals with the concept of sovereignty presented by modern political thinkers of the west, analysed in the light of Islamic political ideology. The modern thinkers in the West, like Jean Bodine, Thomas Hobbes, John Lock and Rousseau played a key role to develop the concept of sovereignty in a state and society. According to the classical political scientists, a sovereign is the ultimate authority. The authority having ultimate power to make and impose law and cannot be subjected to Law. This kind of authority is exercised by a king in the state. No one can dismiss it or put to death. He is considered to be a lieutenant of God on earth to rule over rest of the mankind. He is only answerable to God. The democratic theory derived from Rousseau, explains that the people are sovereign; the masses have the right make or break law through consensus.According to Islamic teachings no one can be a sovereign in this sense. The real sovereignty to Allah Almighty (Subhanhu Taala). Only Allah has the absolute authority of defining law for His creation. The ruler does have a partial authority but does not have an absolute authority over everything. He has to work with in the domain of Quran and Sunnah. He is not only answerable before God but also before its people.

Dr. Mustafiz Ahmad Alvi, Hafiza Samira Rabia. (2020) جدید سیاسی فکر میں اقتدار اعلیٰ کا تصور: تعارف و تجزیہ, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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