This research paper primarily dealt with fomenting of extremism and the outcome thereof by certain Muslim religious factions in Pakistan. It endeavored to unmask those foul faces who have done an irretrievable damage to the very fabric of Pakistani society by their atrocious and fiendish crimes under the guise of piety and asceticism. As we know, the very word “Islam “stands for peace and tranquility. However, unfortunately, some narrow-minded and bigot disciples of Islam, instead of spreading the universal Islamic message of peace, love, affection, uprightness and tolerance, made arrangements for their unscrupulous ideas and notions – a natural outcome of their agreeable interpretations of Islamic teachings – to flourish; hence, making the peaceful atmosphere of Pakistan unruly and disorderly. So, keeping in view this background, this research article tried to highlight this unblushing corruption on the part of these Muslim religious factions whose vital duty was to promote peace and harmony and to make Pakistan and the world a peaceful place to live in. By and large, as a matter of fact, this disgusting and scornful success of these religious factions owes much to the moral and financial assistance they got indigenously as well as from abroad. Hence, in a nutshell, this research paper also made a humble effort to trace those ways and means which had been responsible for this overt or covert financial support to these ignorant and relentless Muslim religious factions. Lastly, the research paper made an attempt to analyze the overall impact of prevalent extremism in Pakistan. Data was collected through written questionnaire and compiled in a statistical manner accordingly.

Ghulam Sarwar, Dr.Muhammad Imran, Dr. Muhammad Yaseen. (2020) Stirring up of Extremism by Islamic Factions in Pakistan: An Analytical and Statistical Survey, Al-Qalam, Volume 25, Issue 1.
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