Post-1980 Novel Writing in India
After 1980, hundreds of novels are written and Sindhi
novel have passed through a number of stages. For some time
progressive trends were dominant in Sindhi novel. The novels
written by progressive writers did not reflect life in its totality,
their form being fixed and familiar and language quite formal.
Slowly and gradually, Marxism lost its importance. But after a
decade from independence, some young writers rebelled against
slogan mongering attitude of the progressive writers. Romanticism started in Sindhi like other Indian languages, Mohan
Kalpna, Guno Samtani and Lal Pushp gave a new dimension to
Sindhi novel. Mohan Kalpna, Guno Samtani and Lal's writings
resolved around the man- woman relationship. Above writers depicted emotional and psychological aspects of human behaviour.
Lal Pushp brought 'Stream of consciousness' in his novels. His
very famous novel is 'Hun je atam jo maut' (Death of His self).
Here Krishin Khatwani is also worth mentioning. He has his own
tradition of writing. He is capable of handling a simple love story
bringing out the subtle nuances of emotional complications with
superb control. Hari Motwani, Hari Himthani and Gobind
Khushalani have also penned some novels. Among lady writers
Kala Prakash, Tara Mirchandani, Rita Shahani and Ratna Godia
also have given some good novels. In Sindhi, 'New novels' or
modern novels are also available like other Indian languages. The new writers of the post-modern period has depicted changing
Indian scene in their novels, Anand Khemani, Motilal Jotwani,
Lal Pushp and Param Abhichandani are the pioneers of this
new movement.
Dr.Jagdeesh. (2012) ۱۹۸۰ع کان ڀوءڀارت۾سنڌي ناول, Kalachi, Volume 15, Issue 2.
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