This study investigates the function of vocatives in the Holy Qurʼān. The actual purpose of vocatives is to attract the attention of the addressee for a specific message, order, warning, command, instructions, awareness, and other exclamatory purposes. Some scholars argue that there are five vocatives, while others say for eight. This research is dealing with the exploration of only the vocative “Yaaیا”. The study deals with those verses in which the focused vocatives address different religious group. Each group has different codes of their religion which have been considered here as cultural codes. Verses are from the group of آمنوا, (Aaamaoo), الناس, (Annaaas), الکفرون (Alkaaafirooon), الکفروا (Al-kafaroo), الانسان, (Al-insaano), النبی (An’nabee). Data is analyzed according to CCDA (Dalia Gavriely-Nuri: 2011): English translation of Abdullah Yusaf Ali (2007) has been consulted to reach the purpose. Tafseer of all these chapters has also been read in depth. For this purpose, a worldly acknowledged Tafseer ‘Taf’heem-ul-Qurʼān’ by Madoodi has been adopted. The study explores that these vocatives fulfill the purpose of vocation and different cultural codes.

Sarwat Jabeen, Tazanfal Tehseem, Saba Zulfiqar. (2020) Addressing the Addressees: A Discourse Stylistic Study of the Vocatives in the Holy Qurʼān, Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Volume No. 21, issue 02.
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