The perennial availability of justice and fair play are inevitable to maintain the system of this world in order. It is every individual’s birth right to be treated fairly, and denial to it can lead to detrimental consequences. Every sector of life, be it social religious, political or economic, holds a vital significance of justice within it. In this scenario, the importance of economic justice cannot be overlooked or replaced. The unequal distribution of wealth in a society can instigate anarchy that can divide society into sections, and division always comes with unearned troves in form of chaos, hatred and misery. Keeping the importance of economic justice in view, Islam has introduced certain principles to offer comfort to its followers in individual and collective dealings. Observing these principles comprehensive benefit can be secured.
فرید شریف فاروقی, غازی عبدالرحمن قاسمی. (2020) معاشی عدل قرآن وسنت کی روشنی میں:ایک تجزیاتی وتقابلی مطالعہ, Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research, Volume No. 21, issue 02.
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