Shah Lateef minutely observed every aspect of Sindh by travelling
across it. As a creative being, he observed each and every attribute and character of Sindh – living or nonliving, found in nature, moving or still - such as:
river, sea, trees, boats, musical instruments, markets, traders, hills, rocks,
moon, sun, stars, etc. Shah used all of these as characters in his poetry.
This research paper throws light on the non living natural phenomenological characters chosen by Shah. Shah used these characters both in direct and in symbolical sense in his poetry. Shah shows the nonliving natural
characters according to his philosophy Wahdat ul Wajood or pantheism, in
which every thing is the manifestation and witness of God.
Shah Lateef has the power to give due appreciation, importance and
meaning to each character. He expresses his philosophy through these characters and links them with his amazing imaginary power of aestheticism.
Characters are very important for a creative being. Human being is
also connected with all the characters of nature. According to Hegel’s philosophy: “Man is alive nature and connected with nonliving nature”
During lifetime, there are many positive and negative aspects and
conflicts of these characters among each other. For instance river is source of
trade, food and travelling but it is also the cause of drowning of the character
of “Sohni”. Hills and rocks are pinnacles of hardship for Sasui, but also symbolize the struggle of life. This paper shows the variant forms and diversified
uses of the nonliving characters.
Sajida Parveen. (2010) شاه وٽ غيرجاندارشين جي کردار نگاري, Kalachi, Volume 13, Issue 1.
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