Due to growing use of advance metering infrastructure (AMI), and advance communication technologies, optimization of the utility grid has become easy and fast, which has increased the overall power delivering efficiency of the grid and minimized the per unit cost. Moreover, this technological advancement has also enhanced the voltage fluctuations controlling capability of a grid, introduced by the intermittent resources. This paper proposes a power flow analysis technique to suppress the abrupt voltage variations introduced by renewables in a decentralized power network. To simultaneously reduce the energy consumption cost along stabilizing voltages in a decentralized network, a consumer-grid relation-based load scheduling technique is being proposed, which concurrently changes the VR tap position for load scheduling according to the consumers’ load demands for multiple time slots. Performance of the proposed techniques are verified by comparing the results with conventionally used algorithms. Intense performance evaluation proved the proposed model can significantly minimize the electricity generation cost, efficiently perform load scheduling and effectively stabilizes the voltage fluctuation constraints in a decentralized power network.

Ubaid Ur Rehman. (2020) A Novel Coordinated Voltage Stabilizing and Load Scheduling Algorithm for Smart Grids, Journal of Space Technology , Volume 10, Issue 1.
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