Ever since the election of Narendra Modi as Prime Minister, India has
constantly been on a quest for showcasing and exhibiting its larger than
life persona and proving to an audience at home and abroad, its
aspirations for greater power status. A shrewd approach, timed to
perfection, in a world which despite facing the worst of constant
military engagement during the Cold War, is once again slipping into
hard power projection. As the contemporary world appears to be fast
latching on to the trend of hyper-nationalism, promoted by effective
political leadership as the expression of ultimate power projection of
its respective countries, over-enthusiastic populations are happily and
blindly embracing the idea without realising its consequences. The
surgical strike strategy used by Modi against Pakistan must be seen as
an effective tool for ensuring re-election of the National Democratic
Alliance (NDA), but also as an expression of hyper-nationalism. Such
disturbing developments raise serious questions about deterrence
stability, the future of India-Pakistan relations and changing dynamics
of warfare in the region.
Dr Salma Malik. (2020) Indian Surgical Strike: Implications and Response by Pakistan, IPRI Journal, Volume-20, Issue-2.
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